Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Attorney in Houston, Texas

Domestic abuse is a serious and pervasive problem affecting hundreds of thousands of families across the United States. While the law has numerous remedies in place to protect victims of domestic violence, abused people may fear to come forward when immigration concerns are a factor.

As a result, many choose to tolerate the pain and terror due to the risk of being deported or losing their immigration status.  

No one deserves to live this way. Fortunately, the federal government recognizes the struggles of immigrants abused by their spouses, parents, and children, which is why it enacted the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. Under the Act, immigrants can seek safety and legal status in the U.S. while remaining in the country legally.  

Lisa M. Potter, an immigration law attorney at The Okoh-Brown Law Group, PLLC, understands the importance of VAWA in empowering survivors to take control of their lives. The Violence Against Women Act attorney in Houston, Texas, works tirelessly to ensure that her clients can regain their lives and pursue legal status independent of their abusive family members.  

What Is the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)?

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a landmark piece of legislation that provides protection and support for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Enacted in 1994, VAWA has been reauthorized several times, each iteration strengthening the protections and resources available to survivors. VAWA allows victims to seek legal immigration status independently, without relying on their abusive spouse or relative. This autonomy is vital for individuals who might otherwise be trapped in abusive relationships due to dependency on their abuser for immigration status. 

The act also provides funding for various supportive services, including victim advocacy and counseling, making it a comprehensive approach to addressing and eradicating violence against women.  

Who Does VAWA Apply to?

VAWA applies to a specific group of individuals who have experienced abuse and are seeking immigration relief. It includes spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (LPRs) who have been subjected to battery or extreme cruelty.

This protection extends to men and women alike, recognizing that abuse knows no gender boundaries. 

  • Spouses of U.S. citizens or LPRs who have suffered abuse can self-petition for legal status without their abuser's knowledge or consent. This provision ensures that victims do not have to disclose their intentions to their abuser, thus minimizing the risk of further harm. 

  • Children under 21 who have been abused by their U.S. citizen or LPR parent can also apply for legal status under VAWA. Children can self-petition for legal status themselves between the ages of 21 and 25 as long as they can demonstrate that abuse was the main reason they didn’t apply earlier.  

  • Parents of U.S. citizens who have been subjected to abuse by their adult children are also eligible for VAWA protections. This lesser-known aspect of VAWA highlights its comprehensive nature, ensuring that all vulnerable individuals have a pathway to safety and legal status. 

Lisa believes that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and live in safety, regardless of their immigration status, gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics. The law firm serves as a pillar of support for those who have suffered abuse or mistreatment and are seeking relief.  

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Protections and Benefits Under VAWA

If you have been abused by your citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse, parent, or child, VAWA can provide you with several protections and benefits:  

  • Restoration of civil rights 

  • Funding support 

  • Participation in federal programs to provide support to victims 

  • Elimination of dependency on the abuser 

  • Path to legal status 

  • Work authorization 

If you are unsure whether you are eligible for protections under VAWA, consider speaking with a Houston Violence Against Women Act attorney at The Okoh-Brown Law Group, PLLC, led by attorney Lisa. Lisa provides free and confidential consultations.  

Why Choose The Okoh-Brown Law Group, PLLC?

The Okoh-Brown Law Group, PLLC, stands out as a premier choice for several reasons. With over 20 years of solid legal experience, Lisa has a proven track record of successfully handling VAWA cases and helping clients achieve their immigration goals.

Known as the “bulldog” in the courtroom, Lisa's tenacity and unwavering dedication make her a formidable advocate for her clients. Her relentless pursuit of justice ensures that each case is handled with the utmost care and attention, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome. 

This fierce representation is complemented by her compassionate listening skills, providing clients with a safe space to share their experiences and concerns. Lisa's accolades, including being named Woman of the Year by the National Association of Professional Women, reflect her commitment to excellence and leadership in the field of immigration law. This recognition underscores her dedication to empowering survivors of domestic violence.

Many clients find solace in knowing that Lisa has been in their shoes. Her personal experiences with the immigration system provide her with unique insights and empathy, allowing her to connect with clients on a deeper level. This understanding drives her to offer empowering guidance, helping clients feel supported and confident throughout the legal process.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Attorney in Houston, Texas

If you feel trapped and powerless because you face abuse from your spouse, parent, or child, know that you might have options for relief. One such option may be seeking protections under the Violence Against Women Act. While VAWA provides a vital pathway to safety and legal status, the process is not without its challenges. With Lisa, the immigration law attorney at The Okoh-Brown Law Group, PLLC, you will no longer feel as though your rights are disregarded and no one can hear your voice.  

As a Houston VAWA attorney, Lisa can help you gain freedom from your abuser and start living your life with dignity. With an office located in Houston, Texas, Lisa serves clients throughout the United States, including but not limited to Florida, California, New York, Arizona, and New Mexico. If you are ready to discuss your case in a free and confidential consultation, reach out today.